
What is a backing track ?

It is a piece of music where certain instruments are missing in order to be able to practice in a group condition at home or to progress before joining one!​

Quality of the backing tracks offered on B.T.W.

All titles offered here were created from the original music and include vocals.
These are not titles taken from other websites.
Tracks are checked before they go live to make sure they're all high quality!

You can make sure by browsing the page examples or choosing one of the titles offered free of charge.

How the shop works

You must create an account on the site to be able to validate your basket.
All payments are secured by PayPal or Stripe for credit card payments.
Once the payment has been validated, the titles purchased can be downloaded from your account.

Finally, for every 10 backing tracks purchased, a backing track of your choice is offered!

Why is the B.T.W offer unlimited?

If you are looking for a title that is not currently offered in the catalogue, all you have to do is ask ! This is the great strength of Backing Track Wanted and what makes this site unique !

The form New request is available to logged in users.
You don't have to pay anything to do this and you can even request a sample for free !

Once your backing track is completed (within 24 hours on average), you will be notified by email and can accept or refuse the order. If you accept it, the title will be downloadable in your account after validation of the payment.